
Cosmetic Dentistry Get Your Bite Checked First

Your bite and jaw joints have more to do with cosmetic dentistry than you think. If yours are out of alignment you aren’t doing your smile any favors.

According to All about Smiles temporomandibular joint disorder, cross, under and overbites will cause more wear and tear.

Grinding Teeth and Dental Restorations

Consider this, people who grind teeth, a condition known as bruxism, will eventually wear down their pearly whites as teeth can only take so much.

While your teeth are as strong as your bones, they certainly won’t withstand constant pressure from grinding.

Dr. Francis Golly provides strong dental solutions however, none will hold up to chronic bruxism.

What is Bruxism?

As previously mentioned, this condition causes you to clench and grind your teeth. While it can happen unconsciously, bruxism is more common during sleep.

With that being said those who grind at night will most likely be dealing with sleep disorders and/or snoring.

Constant gnashing at night is a sign of obstructive sleep apnea and should be investigated by your primary care physician. Obstructive sleep apnea or OSA is dangerous and must not be overlooked.

Although some cosmetic dentists in McMinnville don’t believe mild bruxism is an issue, All About Smiles disagrees.

Constant Grinding Not Good for Anything

Bruxism leads to damaged teeth, but also causes headaches, jaw disorders and other problems.

Schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist to determine if bruxism is the reason you are replacing your porcelain veneers every five years.

A good dentist will examine your entire chewing system. This includes the muscles and nerves jaw joints, neck and throat. Anything that is connected to your teeth and gums is looked at as is your TMJ and bite.

Dr. Golly understands the importance of a good bite and jaw joints that are properly aligned. If anything is amiss it will affect the way your dental restorations and teeth wear.

Cosmetic Dentistry takes a Good Bite

If you do have a problem with your bite or temporomandibular joints Dr. Golly will address the issues using a variety of technologies. Some of those solutions could include custom made mouth guards and oral splints.

After your issues are corrected you and your McMinnville cosmetic dentist will have a chat about what cosmetic dentistry procedures would be best for you and your smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry in McMinnville

For more information regarding cosmetic dentistry, call or send a direct message and have a chat with All About Smiles today.


Zirconia Implants a Metal Free Experience

If you have been avoiding dental implants because you have a metal allergy, talk to your dentist in McMinnville about Zirconia implants.

Zirconia Implants

An alternative to metal, these awesome implants have several benefits that you won’t find with typical posts and screws.

Conventional tooth replacements are made from titanium alloy or titanium. For roughly 13 percent of the population, metal dental implants aren’t a good idea. In fact, standard dental implants for people with allergies could be life threatening.

The Advantages of Zirconia Implants

Zirconia dental implants are suitable for all people, even patients who don’t have a reaction to metal tooth replacements.

The Advantages Include:

  • Little if any Allergic Reaction
  • Strong and Sturdy
  • No Corroding
  • Hygienic
  • Less Plaque Buildup
  • Aesthetically Pleasing

Because metal fuses to the bone in a process known as osseointegration, it was the chosen material for implant screws. However, things changed when Zirconia implants hit the scene.

Candidates for Dental Implants

Because of Zirconia dental implants patients with metal allergies are now able to enjoy a new life with permanent replacements for missing teeth.

Although the FDA deems implant screws and posts safe they still contain chromium, cobalt and nickel, all metal materials. These metals have a higher risk when it comes to an allergic reaction.

If you are sensitive to metals talk to your implant dentist about Zirconia dental implants. A simple skin test from your allergist or primary care physician will determine whether you are allergic to implant screws or posts.

For the utmost safety, even those who are only slightly at risk, a skin test is an essential step when it comes to planning your dental implant placement surgery and follow up plan.

Dental Implant Consultation

The first thing you need to do if you are considering dental implants is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Francis Golly. Dr. Golly will determine what steps to take whether you have an allergy to metals or not.

The procedures are basically the same. The only difference is the materials that the post or posts are made from.

One of the most important factors to remember is oral health. Gum disease is at the top of the list when it comes to dental implant failure. If you have gum disease you will need to nip that in the bud before proceeding with Zirconia implant surgery.

Tooth Replacements in McMinnville

If you would like to learn more about Zirconia implants or other types of tooth replacements schedule a consultation today.




A Straight Smile in McMinnville

A straight smile is also a healthy one. According to All About Smiles Family Dentistry straightening your teeth with conventional wires and brackets or removable aligner’s do wonders for your smile, but also for the rest of your body.

A Straight Smile is a Healthier Smile

According to your McMinnville cosmetic dentist teeth and gums that are healthy also keep your heart and other organs healthy as well. Why, because healthy gums aren’t diseased.

Researchers believe that the connection between overall health and teeth and gums is periodontal disease.

With that being said, clear braces will make for a healthier smile as a straight smile is easier to brush and floss.

Invisalign® is Revolutionary

For those who are great candidates Invisalign® is as sufficient, if not more so, than conventional wires and brackets. This is especially true if you have mild to moderate issues.

Patients who have severe problems such as cross, over and underbites or those who have wide gaps between teeth may have better results with conventional braces.

Only Dr. Francis Golly, a certified Invisalign® provider can find out if you and the clear braces system are a good fit.

A Straight Smile is a Happy Smile

Invisalign® uses a series of clear trays that are custom made for your straight smile. Depending on your issues the 3D images may require 11 pairs of aligners or 31. It just depends on your teeth.

Once your aligners are ready, which takes a couple of weeks, Dr. Golly and the All About Smiles team will attach buttons or fasteners to hold the aligners in place.

You will wear your trays for 22 hours every day. The only time you take out your braces is when you clean your teeth or have a meal.

Your trays will be changed every seven to fourteen days until your teeth have moved into the position decided by Dr. Golly and the Invisalign® software.

The Best for a Straight Smile

Invisalign® is the clear winner when it comes to straightening smiles. This tooth straightening system is easily removable and extremely comfortable.

In addition, you can enjoy the foods you always have. With wires and brackets come serious food restrictions.

Because Invisalign® is seen as a legitimate system it may be covered by your insurance companies as well.

Invisalign® Dentist in McMinnville

You and Invisalign® may be perfect together. Call and talk to All About Smiles for more information about a straight smile today.




Professional Teeth Whitening is Number One

If you are envious of those pearly white smiles you see all over the internet contact All About Smiles for professional teeth whitening and leave the over the counter products on the shelves.

Professional teeth whitening should be left to, well, to the professionals, not the makers of toothpastes and mouthwash.

Over the Counter Not a Good Idea

While whitening pastes have their place some people have a tendency to use too much of it too often. Doing so can have disastrous results for your smile.

According to your cosmetic dentist in McMinnville pastes, strips, rinses, gels and one size fits all trays can do more harm than good.

In fact, too much over the counter tooth whitening can actually make teeth sensitive to hot and cold. In addition, too much whitening product could make your teeth look blue or even see through. What makes things worse is that those side effects could be permanent.

The only way to avoid any tooth whitening mishaps is to have the treatment done professionally.

Dr. Francis Golly is a cosmetic dentist who has the training and knowledge to provide you with the best options for your smile.

Professional Teeth Whitening

While professional teeth whitening works better and is safer than drug store whiteners, these products will not whiten everyone’s smile.

For instance, people who have veneers, crowns or other restorations will have no success no matter how many times they attempt to whiten teeth as whiteners do not work on restorations.

In addition people with serious interior stains may not see the whitening results that they had hoped for either.

Two Types of Whitening

Depending on your needs, All About Smiles offers two types of professional teeth whitening, in office or customized take home whitening trays.

Both of these treatments provide you with results that are 8 to ten shades lighter than your stained and yellowed teeth.

Because All About Smiles uses the highest quality prescription tooth whitening products you can be assured of a safe and pleasant experience in the long and short term.

In Office Whitening is perfect if you have an event coming up. In office whitening takes place in a single dental appointment and works great.

Take Home Whitening Trays are made to fit your teeth and no one else’s. This type of professional whitening takes about 2 weeks for results.

Professional Teeth Whitening in McMinnville

If you would like to learn more about professional teeth whitening call and schedule an appointment. All About Smiles is ready to help you smile.

Call now.