
Cosmetic Dentistry Get Your Bite Checked First

Your bite and jaw joints have more to do with cosmetic dentistry than you think. If yours are out of alignment you aren’t doing your smile any favors.

According to All about Smiles temporomandibular joint disorder, cross, under and overbites will cause more wear and tear.

Grinding Teeth and Dental Restorations

Consider this, people who grind teeth, a condition known as bruxism, will eventually wear down their pearly whites as teeth can only take so much.

While your teeth are as strong as your bones, they certainly won’t withstand constant pressure from grinding.

Dr. Francis Golly provides strong dental solutions however, none will hold up to chronic bruxism.

What is Bruxism?

As previously mentioned, this condition causes you to clench and grind your teeth. While it can happen unconsciously, bruxism is more common during sleep.

With that being said those who grind at night will most likely be dealing with sleep disorders and/or snoring.

Constant gnashing at night is a sign of obstructive sleep apnea and should be investigated by your primary care physician. Obstructive sleep apnea or OSA is dangerous and must not be overlooked.

Although some cosmetic dentists in McMinnville don’t believe mild bruxism is an issue, All About Smiles disagrees.

Constant Grinding Not Good for Anything

Bruxism leads to damaged teeth, but also causes headaches, jaw disorders and other problems.

Schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist to determine if bruxism is the reason you are replacing your porcelain veneers every five years.

A good dentist will examine your entire chewing system. This includes the muscles and nerves jaw joints, neck and throat. Anything that is connected to your teeth and gums is looked at as is your TMJ and bite.

Dr. Golly understands the importance of a good bite and jaw joints that are properly aligned. If anything is amiss it will affect the way your dental restorations and teeth wear.

Cosmetic Dentistry takes a Good Bite

If you do have a problem with your bite or temporomandibular joints Dr. Golly will address the issues using a variety of technologies. Some of those solutions could include custom made mouth guards and oral splints.

After your issues are corrected you and your McMinnville cosmetic dentist will have a chat about what cosmetic dentistry procedures would be best for you and your smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry in McMinnville

For more information regarding cosmetic dentistry, call or send a direct message and have a chat with All About Smiles today.