
Are You Ready for Dental Emergencies?

Dental emergencies can ruin an otherwise perfect day. If you have ever experienced a dental emergency you know it wasn’t planned, most aren’t.

That is why having an emergency dentist on call is vital whether you live by yourself or have an entire family to take care of.

Dental Emergencies in McMinnville

All About Smiles is ready and able to take care of all of your dental emergencies. From a lost filling to a knocked out tooth you won’t find a better family dentist in McMinnville.

With that being said, there are some things you can do before you arrive to the dentist’s office in McMinnville.

Knocked Out Tooth

Dr. Francis Golly recommends placing the tooth back into the socket if it is clean. If it isn’t, never pick it up by the roots as you could cause damage.

When you find the tooth and it looks like it is in one piece carefully pick it up by the crown carefully removing any debris without brushing or washing off.

If the tooth doesn’t fit back into the socket put it in a saucer of milk or between your cheek and gum until you get to All About Smiles.

It is critical that you make it to the dentist as quickly as possible, within 30 minutes. If you do, there is a chance that Dr. Golly is able to successfully implant the tooth back into the socket.

Tooth and Gum Pain

Pain is something that should never be ignored and is goes under the category of dental emergencies. Your McMinnville dentist explains that doing so could be serious. In fact, if you ignore pain you could end up in the ER.

Chronic and constant pain from a tooth or the gum is a sure sign of infection. If you get infected it could become an abscess. Letting it get this far is extremely dangerous.

If you suffering unbearable pain, call All About Smiles immediately. The last thing you want is to end up in the hospital because you ignored a toothache.

Sometimes you can have a cavity and not notice any discomfort until the decay has become abscessed.

Help for Dental Emergencies

Make sure you keep Dr. Golly’s number on hand, just in case as she is always ready to help you regardless of the issue.

Moreover, All About Smiles has the dedication to answer your plea the minute it comes in. This is what everyone should expect from an emergency dentist when it comes to dental emergencies.

For all of your dental needs, including dental emergencies you won’t find a better dentist.

Become a patent of All About Smiles today.