
Dental Implants the Perfect Solution

Just like a bad bite or a temporomandibular joint that is out of alignment, a missing tooth is just as bad for the rest of your smile. Thankfully dental implants in McMinnville with All About Smiles will solve the problem.

Your teeth are important to each other and if one goes missing the rest suffer for it. According to All About Smiles teeth work together providing balance.

For example, just one missing tooth causes your jaw to shrink as there is nothing to exercise it. It also makes your other teeth move into position to help the missing tooth.

Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

Dental implants are screws or posts that your doctor surgically places in or on the jawbone. After the surgery has healed, which takes about 3 to six months, artificial teeth are placed on top of the posts.

The new teeth sparkle and reflect light just like natural teeth. In fact, these replacements are so strong that they will last for the rest of your life as long as you practice good oral hygiene.

Tooth Replacements and Hygiene

Although your teeth are artificial your gums are not. One of the biggest problems with dental implants is that people revert to their old ways.

Unfortuantely for most people poor hygiene was the reason for tooth loss in the first place. After a few months of new teeth some get complacent skipping much needed brushing and flossing.

Periodontal disease is still an issue whether you have natural teeth or posts and crowns. By brushing twice and flossing once a day and scheduling regular dental checkups with Dr. Francis Golly you will be well on your way to dental implant success.

If you don’t pay attention you could be dealing with dental implant failure. Poor oral hygiene is the number one reason people have dental implant failure, that and tobacco of course.

Smoking and Dental Implants

Your McMinnville dentist explains that smoking and chewing tobacco should cease the minute you consider dental implants. Because these habits slow the healing process you are more apt to suffer from failure.

Some people do the right thing and stay away from smoking and chewing in the beginning but slowly return to their old ways. When this happens, the chance of dental implant failure increases.

The best way to plan for a successful implant placement procedure is to plan ahead. If you smoke or chew tobacco quit now and see All About Smiles for dental implants placement plan. You and your teeth will be glad you did.

Dental Implants for Life

For more information regarding dental implants in McMinnville schedule a no obligation consultation with Dr. Francis Golly from All About Smiles today.